Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that it gives you a flavour of who we are and what we believe. The best way to find out more about us is to visit us on a Sunday for our morning service, which is followed by an informal get together with tea/coffee and biscuits.
We are a welcoming church and we always love to have visitors at our service. Our morning worship service which starts at 10:30 am. There will be a steward at the door waiting to welcome you and make you feel at home. We normally have about 35-45 people attending.
During the morning service a crèche is available which is run by experienced volunteers. You can leave your baby/toddler for all or part of the service, whichever you prefer. Suitable toys are available. All people who work with children and young people have all the appropriate police checks and certificates. We take child protection very seriously and we have rigorous procedures in place to safeguard all our children, young people and anyone considered vulnerable in our care. Our Safeguarding Policy is available for inspection if required.
What happens in worship?
The service, which is normally led by the Pastor, is structured but fairly informal. The service commences with the singing of a traditional or contemporary song. You will not be asked to say anything but hopefully you will enjoy joining in with the singing. The words of the song will be displayed on the multimedia screen. We generally stand to sing, but if you are not able, please feel free to sit.
This is then followed by a time of prayer, which is led by the Pastor. The prayer time ends when everyone says the Lord’s Prayer together. Following the time of prayer, we sing another song before the Pastor reads a portion of the Bible and gives a talk about a topic related to the Bible reading. This is a central part of Baptist worship where we learn and are taught about something from the Bible and how to relate it to our lives. The talk will usually last for about 25-30 minutes. The service ends with another hymn/song.
A collection will be taken during the service. This is the way that church members contribute to the life and work of the church. It is by the financial support of our congregation that we pay our bills, staff salaries and are able to contribute to a number of charities and the work that we do. Our offering is not something that visitors should in any way feel obliged to contribute to.
Communion is taken on the first Sunday of the month. Communion or the ‘Lord’s Supper’ is an act of worship that involves eating bread and drinking wine. The term ‘Lord’s Supper’ refers to the fact that Jesus instituted it on the final evening of his life.
The Bible explains what happened during the meal:
‘Jesus took some bread in his hands. Then after he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this and remember me.” After the meal, Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and said, “This is my blood, and with it God makes his new agreement with you. Drink this and remember me.” (1 Corinthians 11:23-25)
Christians believe that this ‘new agreement’ was a new relationship between God and us. They believe that when Jesus was crucified He took away all the wrong things people had done and defeated the power of evil, so they could know God as their friend and loving Father. Although communion is a time to remember that Jesus died, it is also a time to be happy and thankful that he did.
The Communion service is also known as Mass, Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, and Breaking of Bread in different churches. Churches do this in different ways. If you do not wish to take communion, feel free to refuse the bread and the wine. At an appropriate time in the service the deacons will pray for the bread and the wine prior to communion being taken.
Facilities for the Disabled
We aim to make our church inclusive and to cater for the needs of those who have disabilities. Although the church does not have a car park, there is parking space in the surrounding streets.
The main sanctuary of the church and the Christian centre, alongside the church, are both fully accessible for wheelchairs and other individuals with mobility difficulties. A disabled toilet is available on the ground floor. A hearing loop is available in the church sanctuary and the Christian centre.