Pastor Phylip H Rees began his ministry at Duckpool Road Baptist Church, with his wife Elaine, in April 2019. He gained his ‘spurs’ in ministry in Cold Inn, Martletwy and Cresswell Quay in Pembrokeshire.
He then went on to an inner city church in Cardiff which was very different. In 2003 it was a dying church, but in response to the vision statement, the fellowship reached out more and more to the people in the community, and today, Tredegarville Baptist Church is a vibrant international fellowship which has seen numerous conversions from Islam.
What unites those very different fellowships with Duckpool Road is a mutual love for Jesus Christ. The love of Christ expressed by the fellowship is real, as it offers a warm and sincere welcome to all who are hurting; lonely; seeking a purpose to life; desiring teaching and the preaching of the Word. It is a fellowship where people can grow, participate, and by grace explore new ministries. In essence, Duckpool Road Baptist Church is a church which has a vision which honours Christ who is LORD.